Saturday, March 7, 2009

Eddy's Birthday (March 3)

On my birthday I went to doggie day care and played with my friends. When I got home, my mom gave me a special dinner. Here is a picture of me licking the spoon...
After dinner, my parents said it was too cold for a walk (19 degrees), so my dad took me for a ride to Grandma and Grandpa's house. When we got home, I curled up on the couch next to my mom and she scratched me until it was bedtime. It was a great day!
Note from Mom: We don't know the exact date of Eddy's birthday. We celebrate his birthday on March 3rd, which is the day we adopted him. At that time, it was estimated that he was about a year old.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

My Frosty February

Is winter over yet? I was really happy to go on a couple of walks on the few warm February days, and I met some new dogs in the neighborhood. I've been chasing the birds at the bird feeder and the rabbits out of my yard. My parents have been leaving me out of my crate during the days that I don't go to doggie daycare. I've been really good, so I can't wait to see what I get on my birthday March 3rd. My parents can't believe it's been 2 years since they brought me home from my foster home!

Here I am with a new toy (I ripped all the stuffing out of it right after this picture was taken)...

I had fun playing in the deep snow with my neighbor, Giggles...

I took a lot of naps...

I helped shred some paper during a birthday party...
I'm looking forward to a warmer March with longer, more frequent walks!