Sunday, September 27, 2009

New GRIN Friend and Bath Time (again)

I have a new friend at doggie day care. Her name is Tori, and she was adopted recently from GRIN (Golden Retrievers In Need). She is really shy, and doesn't play with the other dogs yet, but she is getting more comfortable with us each day.

Since I go to doggie day care three times a week, I have to have a bath about once a month. I recently had to have a bath before we had a picnic. My mom took some embarrassing pictures:

This is what I do after the bath to get rid of that "clean" smell...
The best part after the bath is getting brushed...

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Christmas in August

My mom ordered me some toys and when the box arrived, I was allowed to pick one toy. The box is in the basement now, and whenever I go downstairs, I sit by the box hoping to get another toy.